Remove Bacteria from Your Fruits and Veggies by Adding a Teaspoon of This

You need to know that every fruit or vegetable has to be washed thoroughly, including the organic ones. Many people actually make a big mistake by thinking that organic fruits and vegetables do not require cleaning like the other conventional fruits and vegetables which are covered with pesticides or chemicals.

If fact, even though organic vegetables and fruits are grown the same way as conventional ones, they still have different harmful things on their surface. This is due to the fact that during the process of cultivating it is used fertilizers and soil enhancers such as worm casting, manure and bone meal.

It is highly useful and recommended to make your own natural scrub for the fruits and vegetables. This can be done by using baking soda.

Baking soda

This is completely natural element which is found in a mineral as a result of the dissolved mineral springs. Baking soda is also cheap and everyone can afford it. This compound is great biopesticide which prevents the process of development and growth of bacteria, viruses and fungi.

In order to prepare it you will need to add one teaspoon of baking soda in cup of water and mix it. Next you can use this mixture for washing the vegetable and fruit.

You can also mix few tablespoons of baking soda with 1-2 cups of water. Stir it well and pour it in spray bottle. Use this for cleaning the products. After the use you need to make sure that you rinse with water.


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