Remove Those Ugly Stretch Marks with This Amazing Carrot Paste

Many women have problems with stretch marks that might destroy their self-esteem and feel them uncomfortable. These stretch marks appear on the skin around the belly, buttocks, breasts and thighs.

Stretch marks are caused as a result of sudden change of the skin. When they appear it is a result of the breaks in the middle layer of the skin which forces the deeper layers to show at the surface.

The first signs of skin stretch marks are in form of red lines. These red lines over time extend across the area and turn white.

There are no women that haven’t looked for solution to this problem. Women have being trying different methods and remedies in order to get rid of these stretch marks, but in most cases it is unsuccessful. Luckily, we have the best solution that will solve this issue fast.

We are going to present to you the best natural and effective homemade remedy that will help you get rid of stretch marks.

The magical remedy is called Carrot Paste. There are two method of use:

1st Method:

1. Carrot – ½
2. Olive oil – 4 tablespoons
3. Peel of tangerine

You will need to blend all ingredients for at least 20 seconds. You need to get a fine homogenous mixture. Use this mixture on affected areas, but make sure that your skin is wet before applying it.

When you apply it you should also massage the area. Once you are done wash it with warm water and apply your regular skin moisturizer. Remember that you should use this treatment once per day, and the remaining unused remedy you can keep it in your fridge for up to 5 days.

The magical properties of this remedy have been confirmed by Jethro Kloss who is the author of “Back To Eden: The Classic Guide to Herbal Medicine, Natural Foods, and Home Remedies since 1939”. He claims that this mixture is great for preparing scrub which helps in removing stretch marks from the skin.

2nd method:

Soften the carrots by steaming it and mash them until your get fine paste. Use this mixture on the affected areas where you have stretch marks. Once you apply it leave it for ½ an hour and rinse it afterwards with cold water. Do not use hot water because it might stretch your skin even more.


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