Squeeze 1 Lemon (or Lime) With 1 Spoonful of Olive Oil and You Will Never Stop Using It

This article will present to you the best natural remedy that will help you boost your energy and prevent unexplained fatigue. The article will look into lemon juice and olive oil as great potent ingredients that will help you detoxify your body and improve the overall health. It is important to remove all the toxins from the body in order to be able to revitalize the body and boost your energy levels.

The most important thing, before we present the recipe, is to look into the signs of toxic loads in the body which you need to be able to recognize:

1. Lethargy – this represent toxic buildup in the body which makes it work less effective and efficient.
2. Insomnia – if you are suffering from insomnia it could be due to the toxic liver
3. Headache – if your body accumulates toxins it can trigger migraines and headaches
4. Skin problems – once your organs aren’t working properly and is not removing the toxins from the body it could lead to skin rashes and different skin conditions
5. Yellow/white tongue – this is a sign that your digestive system is constantly fighting against accumulated toxins
6. Hot feeling – if you notice that your body is overheating you should know it is due to the accumulation of toxins that the body is fighting to flush out

Here are the details about the remedy and its benefits:
Olive oil is great remedy that is packed with essential fatty acids that help you remove toxins from the body. Also it is great for reducing the bad cholesterol. This remedy is known to be used since Greek and Roman times.

Lemons are among the healthiest fruits that contain enormous amount of nutrients. It is packed with antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins, which act as great agent against different viruses and health conditions.

If you combine these two ingredients you will be able to treat the following:

1. Rheumatism
The combination of both ingredients will help you reduce inflammation in the body, including rheumatism. You should consume this mixture on regular basis in order to relieve joint pain.

2. Heart problems
Regular use can help you reduce the risk of cardiovascular issues. Both ingredients contain fatty acids that help you reduce the cholesterol levels and improve blood circulation in the body.

3. Improves kidney, liver, and gallbladder
Different studies suggest that consuming this mixture in the morning before your breakfast can help you prevent formation of gallstones. Try to mix it with one glass of water in order to detoxify the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder. Also this way you will manage to improve the function of these organs.

4. Relieves constipation
Olive oil provides great laxative effect that can help you relieve constipation. Combining it with lemon juice will manage to detoxify your body and improve the digestive system.

source http://besthealthyguide.com

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