Use Acupressure to get rid of Headache and Stress in less than 30 seconds

One of the oldest Chinese traditional medicines that are used for alternative therapy is Acupressure. This traditional therapy is using the special acupoints on your body that can be located through invisible energy channels.

Most of these points are almost the same as acupuncture points which work on the same system of theory. The channels that are used for these acupoints are the considered to be the vital energy of the body known as Qi.

Our body contains 12 channels that are connected to different organs in our body and each one of them starts at the fingertips which travel to the brain. Next, it disseminate in different channels back to our different organs in the body.

Acupressure is alternative therapy that also helps you relax your muscles but also it stimulates the body. If you practice this alternative therapy you will improve your health and reduce the illnesses.

One of the best and easy ways to target acupressure is the area between the thumb and the index finger (see the picture). In Chinese medicine this is known as the hook spot. This hook spot is believed to be the most effective acupoint for relieving headaches. Many people that have tried this method have confirmed that this self-massage reliefs pain, so we recommend trying it.

What actually you need to do is press the points firmly with rotational movement or an up-and-down movement, for at least 30 seconds each time. You should know that there is no limitation on how many times you can practice this therapy during the day, so feel free to use it whenever you think it is needed.

The only thing you need to take care should be being in comfortable and relaxed position with closed eyes. This technique is considered as self-massage, but you can ask other people to massage you, it is up to you to decide.

These are the 7 best Acupressure points of your body, according to the UCLA Center:

1. Feng Chi – this point is found at the back of your head, more specifically in the area between the ear and the groove where the neck muscles are attached to the skull. You should apply pressure in this area with your fingers interlocked while you press the palms at the back of the neck. Massage this area with your thumbs until you feel relief.

2. Jian Jing – in order to reach this point it is best to have another person behind you. The area is located at your shoulder muscles, and you should use your thumb and middle finger to massage it. This point is known to induce labor if applied pressure, so it is now recommended to massage it during pregnancy.

3. Tai Chong – this point is located between the area of your two toes, the big toe and the next to it. More specifically, it is found where two fingers in width from where these two toes are connected. You should apply firm pressure on this area in order to stimulate, and your pressure massage should last at least 5 seconds.

4. Nei Guan – you can find this acupressure point three fingers between the wrists on your inner forearm in between the two tendons. In order to stimulate this point you should apply firm downward pressure in between the tendons. Massage this area for at least 5 seconds.

5. Zhong Zhu – this point can be found between the tendons of the second last and last finger behind the knuckles.

6. San Yin Jiao – if you want to stimulate this area you will find it inside your leg, above your ankle

7. Zu San Li – this acupressure point is located four fingers width downwards from your knee cap.
This alternative therapy of acupressure is great to be used by people that have constant body stress and emotional stress. It is a fact that in this modern world we are under physical and emotional stress constantly which causes our body to break down. Also we are facing constant negative feelings which are stuck in our body which results with this emotional stress and imbalance.

We truly hope that this article will help you become more relaxed and mentally and emotionally stable. You just need to use this acupressure the correct way in order to feel the benefits.


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