Using Aluminum Foil for Cooking – That is Not a Harmless Alternative

We are all accustomed to cooking with aluminum foil, but still, that may not be the best option having in mind all risks related to it because of the leaching from aluminum foil. Studies have detected that when cooking with aluminum foil some of the toxic metal could actually contaminate food which is mainly true when foil is utilized to cook or heat spicy and acidic food. Actually high levels of aluminum in the body have been related to appearance of osteoporosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.

It is not only wrapping fish or meat in foil and baking it in the oven or on the barbecue. Aluminum is utilized in numerous cooking processes including the fact that a lot of low-priced pots and pans are made using aluminum.

Additionally, as said by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR), aluminum is utilized in the production of processed foods that are stored in aluminum containers which can be heated in an oven but also it is utilized in production of some medicines, antacids, cosmetics, and deodorants.

The body is able to get rid of small amounts of aluminum that is ingested very efficiently but a lot of people worry about the effects of the buildup of this toxic substance on the body functions.

As, the ATSDR admits that “eating large amounts of processed food that contain aluminum or cooking acidic foods in aluminum pots exposes a person to higher levels of aluminum than a person who consumes unprocessed foods and uses pots made from other materials.”

This text reveals you the damage that aluminum is able to do to your body and why you are supposed to stay away from using it in cooking, at the same time revealing you the real risks of cooking with aluminum foil.

Dangers of Cooking with Aluminum Foil

The risks of cooking with aluminum foil actually appear when it is heated to high temperatures because the process of heating is reason aluminum to leach, contaminating the food. There are many reasons that trigger leaching of aluminum into food.

An examination given in the International Journal of Electrochemical Science detected that leaching from aluminum foil could give incorrectly high levels of aluminum contamination in food. The examination demonstrated that the aluminum concentration was related with the sort of meat, the type of cooking, the temperature of cooking, and the added fruits and vegetables.

For instance, red meats cooked for 40 minutes at 400°F (205°C) were detected to have up to 380% more aluminum contamination than before cooking. Poultry, mostly the breast meat, demonstrated levels of just over 200% more aluminum than was there before cooking.

Examiners additionally detected that acidic food raised the dangers of cooking with aluminum cookware. As a result, more aluminum leaching happened when the foods had lemon juice or tomato juice (for instance, in a marinade).

The person behind the study and Head of the Chemistry Division at Ain Shams University, Ghada Bassioni explained that aluminum foil utilized in cooking leaves the metal to get into the body. She finished by declaring that “aluminum foil is not suitable for cooking, especially with acidic food.”

Comparable leaching from aluminum pots and pans has additionally been described. Two of the examiners who were included in the same research detected that food cooked in aluminum pots and pans had high amounts of the toxic metal. They stated that salt and citric acid raised the aluminum leaching.

Harms of Aluminum in the Body

Aluminum is a metal that can be found in the earth and we are all uncovered to tinier quantities of it coming from the air, food, water, and soil. As said by the World Health Organization (WHO), the suitable dose of aluminum daily is supposed not to go beyond 1 mg per kg of body weight. A lot of sources demonstrate that on average we take about 9 mg aluminum daily in food.

On the other hand, are we supposed to be worried about the risk of aluminum contamination in the body?

As said by the professor Bassioni, using aluminum foil for cooking could cause levels of aluminum in food that are not accepted according to the values outlined by the WHO.
The ATSDR explains that aluminum toxicity could have an influence on health relating exposure to aluminum to reduced functions of the central nervous system, Alzheimer’s disease, and bone diseases.

Let’s see what scientific studies have demonstrated about the toxic consequence of aluminum on the body and mind.

Aluminum harmfully influences brain function

A lot of scientists have detected that raised levels of aluminum could harmfully influence brain function. They have said that high exposure to aluminum could be a reason of memory impairment, difficulties in learning, central nervous system disorders, Parkinson’s disease, and Alzheimer’s disease.

The International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease observed at the aluminum-Alzheimer relation discovering that persons with Alzheimer’s disease have raised levels of aluminum in brain cells. The journal noted that aluminum could go into the bloodstream throughout the gastrointestinal tract and that aluminum could go into the brain through the blood. This is able to reason serious health problems in people, mostly infants, the elderly, and persons with kidney disease.

Other examination published in the journal Neurotoxicology detected that display to aluminum influences brain function and is a reason for “behavioral, neuropathological, and neurochemical changes.” They suggested that “avoidance of aluminum exposure, when practical, seems prudent.”
Aluminum related to osteoporosis.

Raised levels of aluminum are additionally related to brittle bones and osteoporosis. Calcium is required for strong bones and is a significant mineral, above all when we get older. Yet, it is concluded from studies that aluminum impedes with how calcium is absorbed by the body.

The Journal of the American College of Nutrition detected that the aluminum found in antacids meddled with the metabolism of calcium and fluoride intake – both of which are significant in avoiding osteoporosis. This ended in lack of calcium in the body. The examiners detected that aluminum is a reason for calcium deficit and avert the absorption of fluoride and leads to bone loss.

Other study provided in Norway detected that in places where there are increased levels of aluminum, lead, and cadmium in drinking water, more persons had hip fractures caused by of brittle bones.

Is there a reason for you to be concerned?

Regardless of the described health risks about the harms of consuming food and drink that have high levels of aluminum, certain websites attempt to set aside the claims. They direct to the information that more investigation has to be provided and that the taken amounts of aluminum are quite small.

On the other hand, as professor Bassioni noted, cooking with aluminum foil is increasing. Aluminum is detected in processed foods, utilized for heating processed foods, antacids, and is utilized in cleaning drinking water. The body might of course effectively send out a small quantity of aluminum to stop a dangerous buildup in the body.

Still, with the increase in the expenditure of aluminum in making food and drink–it is not smart to regulate excessive display to this toxic metal?

Lots people are now doing that by reason that there are a lot of suitable options to using aluminum foil in cooking.

Alternatives to Aluminum Foil in Cooking

It is rather easy to stay away from the dangers of aluminum foil in cooking. Aluminum foil turned out to be famous by reason that it is an inexpensive and simple way to watch over food during the process of cooking.

Here are some tips how to stay away from the risks related with aluminum leaching during cooking:

• Use a heatproof glass or porcelain cookware for baking your food in.
• Take away pre-made processed foods from their aluminum containers and use stainless steel or iron pans to heat them.
• Use the aluminum foil only for storing cold food for short periods of time.
• Instead of aluminum pans use high-quality stainless steel pans. Yet, in case this is not doable, professor Bassioni recommends boiling new aluminum pans one or two times in boiling water until the surface is matt. This oxidation process keeps away aluminum leaching.


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