You won’t drink Red Bull any more after you read this article and realize how your body reacts to it!

Many persons use to drink energy drink for different purposes. Some like to deal with the afternoon crash, some to feel fresh during long drive, students believe that these drinks could help them stay awake and study during the night…

On the other hand, it is sad to say that not many of them know the fact that one single Red Bull raises the change of getting heart attack and stroke.

What does Red Bull cause to your body?

You should know that energy drinks make blood sticky, and on that way they lead to stroke and cardiovascular problems. One hour after you’ve drunk a can of Red Bull, your blood stream would become the same as that of patients with cardiovascular conditions.

In spite of this, the company that produces this drink says that their energy drink gives a comparable outcome as a cup of coffee or soda.

You could get the same outcome from caffeine, together with a bigger reaction speed and huge quantity of non-natural sweeteners and sugar that will provide you just a short burst of energy.

The dissimilarity between energy drinks and coffee is that as a matter of fact, no one actually knows the precise consequence of the ingredients in Red Bull on human body.

Energy drinks have aspartame, a neurotoxin with metabolic, fetal, allergenic and carcinogenic properties.
What is more, you will have to face with exhaustion and cravings for another can of the fatal energy drink in this nasty cycle.

There are countries that have prohibited energy drinks
“No less than 3.5 billion cans of Red Bull were sold last year in 143 countries. Yet, quiestions regarding the safety of Red Bull, as well as other energy drinks, keep croppins up at regular intervals when yet another overzealous energy-addict keels over,” explains DrMercola.

Statistics explain that energy drinks are sold more regularly than bottles with water.
Considering the information that energy drinks become even more famous, in some countries they are forbidden for use with intention to prevent the harm they could possibly cause.

Norway, Denmark and Uruguay have recognized the potential health problems Red Bull could possibly trigger and have forbidden it. In Kuwait, Red Bull is banned for kids younger than 16 after the death of 2 national squash team members as a result of energy drinks. They both died of heart attack.

Who is in bigger danger?
Energy drinks have an effect on blood vessel function and boost the chances of blood clotting. To stay away from stroke, make sure that you don’t have any of these symptoms and stay away from these drinks at any cost:

– Nervousness
– High blood pressure
– Chronic fatigue syndrome
– Stress
– Caffeine sensitivity
– Cardiovascular condition
– Blood clotting disorder

Pregnant women and lactating mothers also opt to stay away from Red Bull.

Increase your energy on a natural way

This is not anything complex. Everything you need to do is to consume the proper foods and include more omega-3 fats to your diet. Get rid of grains and sugars for a continuing effect on your energy.
Work out on a regular basis and stay away from worrying situations. This would additionally help you avoid another can of Red Bull.


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