These 9 effective ways will help you get rid of all bed bugs and without using chemicals

We are sure you are already familiar with this rhyming creepy saying “Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite”.
It is most certain that you need to be careful when it comes to these bed bugs because they are living creatures that revive after a period of little activity worldwide.

Also it is most certain that you are sharing your bed with them. Here is what you can do about these bed bugs.

Here are some information about your enemy

– Adult bugs are 1/5 of an inch long and have rusty brown color. They have no wings and their shape is oval
– They have lived in this world for thousands of years
– These bugs bite and suck blood from either humans or animals, six times more compared to their body weight.
– Their bites look like mosquito bites
– They come out only during the night
– You can find them everywhere
– It is most certain you are not aware of their presence
– They have the ability to hitch everywhere (car, bedroom, hotel etc)

Don’t leave now, and before you go to check your mattress you should know this:

– These bed bugs are not dangerous for your health and they don’t have the ability to spread diseases, according to CDC
– You can use some very simple preventions in order to get rid of them or to lower the number of these creatures.

Steps in Bed Bug Free home

You can remove these bad bugs from your home. You should know that these creatures grow in all possible conditions and can reproduce in very short period of time. They can also live without food for at least 400 days.

One solution to this problem is using chemical extermination, but this method makes many people uncomfortable sleeping in rooms where chemicals have been used. Another fact is that these bed bugs become resistant to these chemicals.

Follow this bed bug extermination plan if you want to get rid of them

1. First you need to inspect your home
You should try and detect these creatures as soon as possible in order to ease the process of extermination. In order to do so, you will need a mirror and flashlight.
These creatures are very small and are really hard to be spotted by naked eye. You will find them on the bed edges and mattresses.

• Make sure you search thoroughly your mattress and box springs. Check under your mattress and all cracks
• Search for excrement or brown spot that might represent dried blood
• Make sure you check all the cracks and crevices of your bed and do not hesitate to split it apart if needed.

In case you find some signs, you should use these natural methods in order to get rid of them.
(if you didn’t find any signs, go directly to step 9)

2. Get rid of those that you have spotted
In order to get rid of those that you have spotted, you should use vacuum, business card or sticky tape. Make sure you remove them all

3. Wash your bed thoroughly
Make sure you wash everything that you can, such as pillows, sheets, stuffed animals, blankets etc. Also you should use hot washing in order to make sure you kill them and no eggs are left over.

4. Use freezing as alternative
For sure there will be cases where you cannot wash these creatures, so in that case you should put it into freezer. Freezing works same as heat when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs.

5. Use your vacuum
Use your vacuum for cleaning thoroughly all mattresses, bed frames and carpets. Make sure you vacuum both sides. You should do this on daily basis and throw away the vacuum bag immediately.

6. Use essential oils
Feel free to use cedar oil, orange oil or tea tree oil in order to get rid of bed bugs. You will need to mix the essential oil with small amount of water. Use spray bottle for applying it.

7. Use diatomaceous Earth
There are many advantages of diatomaceous earth, but it is most effective against bed bugs. Many exterminators have been using it as their main tool against bed bugs. Apply it on the frames of your bed, carpet, mattresses, but please wear a mask when you do so. At night before going to bed you should vacuum the excess of it.

8. Clutter of your beds
You should remove the clutter around your bed because these creatures live in clean and nasty places. This way you will manage to remove their hiding place. Try any of the above mentioned methods in order to get rid of them.

9. Prevention methods
If you want to call professionals to treat these bed bugs, it will cost you lots of money and stress. Here are some methods on how to prevent these creatures from appearing.

• You should use bed bug-proof mattress encasement for your mattress because this way you will prevent bed bugs to have comfortable place for living.
• Try to fill out all cracks or joints with sealant or caulk in order to prevent these have their hiding place
• You may also try to use bed bug traps under your bed. This method does not cost too much and it is very effective way. Do this in order to prevent the problem from appearing and being late to react.


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