This Cabbage Broth Will Boost Your Health and Help You Lose Weight in a Healthy Way

Cheap, humble and common cabbage can be great for your overall health. This article will present to you a list of health benefits for your health with consumption of cabbage.

Cabbage is great for treatment of gout, arthritis, stomach ulcer, headaches, jaundice, heart diseases, obesity, Alzheimer’s, weight loss, scurvy and skin issues. Also it is considered as great source of potassium.

On the other hand it helps reduce the cholesterol levels and blood pressure. You may also use it as liver detoxifier.

Regular use of cabbage can balance the blood sugar levels, improve the immune system, prevent and reduce tumor cells, as well as destroy cancer cells.

The Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention conducted a study in 2014 which found that cabbage fights cancer, artery diseases and chronic diseases related to oxidative stress. The results of the research concluded that these benefits are due to the great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties it contains.

Also another study conducted by the Western Journal of Medicine found that cabbage juice helps improve the duodenal and gastric ulcer.

Here is the list of nutrients found in cabbage

Cabbage contains high amount of fibers which makes it great for your stomach. It can easily treat stomach ulcers.

This vegetable is extremely rich with antioxidants that help you improve the brain function, reduce inflammation and fight cancer.

This is sulfur-based compound that acts as anti-cancer agent. When you consume it your body transforms to isothiocyanates compounds which prevent the growth of cancer.

Weight loss
Cabbage is great for people that want to lose weight in a 100% natural and healthy way. This vegetable contains low calories and lots of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. For example, 1 cup of cooked cabbage contains only 33 calories.

Due to these properties cabbage broth is highly recommended for people that want to lose weight. Also regular consumption can provide numerous health benefits and will supply the needed amount of nutrients.

You should try to consume this vegetable on regular basis in order to boost your immune system, but also improve the taste of the meals.

Here is the recipe on how to prepare cabbage broth:

1. Cabbage
2. Onion
3. Carrots
4. Broccoli
5. Your choice of vegetable (optional)
6. Water

You will need to chop the onion and carrots, and shred the cabbage. Also cut the broccoli into florets. Next you will need to boil all ingredients.

Feel free to add as many vegetables you want. It is important to use at least ½ a head of cabbage when you cook. At last you can add salt for improvement of taste.



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