This Is the Most Cheapest and Effective Detoxification Method That Is Recommended By All Doctors

Professor Tourey was crazy enough back in 1831 to drink a lethal dose of strychnine in front of other professors of the French Academy of Medicine. Everyone was surprised because he managed to survive, actually because nothing happened due to the combination of activated charcoal.
Doctors use charcoal as an emergency decontaminant if a person consumes toxins.

This is how it works:
Activated charcoal does not have any taste and it is odorless and non-toxic. Its properties are actually absorbing toxic chemicals in your body, and this is up to 60%.
By absorbing toxic chemicals it reduces the level of toxicity in your body and this is done through your stomach and small/large intestines. This way it prevents the toxins to get into your system. Also it helps by reducing the flatulence, hangover, lowers levels of cholesterol and treats bile flow issues when pregnant.

This is how it is made:
Charcoal is made of petroleum, coconut shell, coal, and wood, while activated charcoal is made almost on similar way and different use.
Activated charcoal is heated with gas that develops internal pores which are responsible for charcoal’s properties to absorb toxins from your body and remove them through the intestine.
Activated charcoal does not consume your nutrients

Many people think that activated charcoal actually alongside all toxins it absorb also vitamins and nutrients. This is not true! Dr. David O. Cooney put an end on this dilemma:
“Charcoal added to the diet of sheep for six months did not cause a loss of nutrients, as compared with sheep not receiving charcoal. … 5 % of the total diet was charcoal. It did not affect the blood or urinary levels of calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, inorganic phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, creatinine, uric acid, urea nitrogen, alkaline phosphatase, total protein or urine pH.”

Here are some of the health benefits:
Activated charcoal helps you overcome problems with gas in your intestines and also relieves the stomach cramps. This fact was published by the American Journal of Gastroenterology that was published recently.
Also this study found that activated charcoal helps you with lowering the cholesterol level and it absorbs it. One study conducted showed that activated charcoal actually reduced up to 30% of bad cholesterol from the intestines and stomach, whereas the level of LDL cholesterol was reduced by 40%. On the other hand it increased the good cholesterol for 6%. The participants had to take three 8 gr. activated charcoal per day.

Nitrogen containing waste products are also reduced by using activated charcoal. This scientific prove also found that low in protein diet when mixed with activated charcoal could benefit older people who are diagnosed with kidney disease or problems.

Since activated charcoal absorbs toxins from your intestines and stomach it also helps with absorption of toxins from your liver and kidney. This way the activated charcoal ensures proper function of these vital organs.

Finally charcoal also increases bile flow which helps the process of removing all toxins from your system.

This is how to use it:
Activated charcoal is produced in different compounds such as powder, liquid or tablets. You may also find it in many detox products that are sell in the pharmacy.
If you are using powder you should mix at least one teaspoon of charcoal in a glass of water and consume it at least three time per day.
You should consider consulting your doctor before you decide to use charcoal because it might interact with some prescribed medications.


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