Lemon Peel Recipe will help you reduce joint pain fast

In fact, lemon is fairly known as fantastic food. This citrus is rich with vitamins C, A, B1, B6, magnesium, bioflavonoids, pectin, folic acid, phosphorus, calcium and potassium. It is protector against lots health conditions, having beneficial results on the intestines, stomach, liver and the immune system.

In case that you use lemon regularly, you will prevent lots sicknesses and health conditions. In the list are included flu, laryngitis, bacterial infections and high blood pressure. As said by latest studies it could also be a factor in the battle against cancer.

Obviously you could utilize this fruit for a lot of aims, as well as healing your aching joints. What follows is a recipe that will help you to eliminate pains limbs’ joints.

Place the peel of 2 lemons in a jar and fill up the jar with olive oil. Close up the jar and leave it like that for two weeks. After two weeks, when the cure is prepared for use, put some of the olive oil onto clean gauze.

Put the gauze on top of the affected area and put a plastic bag over the gauze. Finish by putting a wool scarf over the bag. It is recommended to perform this process in the evening.

This way you will leave the coating to work during the night and help you most with the joins.

source http://www.naturalhealthcareforyou.com

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