Do You Often Have Dry Lips?! Attention, It is Important to Know This…

Xerostomia (dry mouth) is a disorder that affects the buccal area. This results in dryness and dehydration of the lips. It is important to know the causes to remedy this disorder.

What causes the occurrence of dry mouth?

Saliva is an essential element for buccal hydration but also for the degradation of food and that way limits the proliferation of bacteria. Saliva cleanses the acids that are produced by dental plaque so a lack of saliva could cause many disorders.

Lack of saliva can cause dry mouth, infections, bad breath and the development of certain bacteria. Generally this is due to lack of hydration, smoking, anxiety or even stress. Some medications may also cause dry mouth, such as antidepressants or anti-epileptics.

The salivary glands can also be affected by serious diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, hypertension, anemia or even diabetes.

How to relieve a dry mouth?

It is possible to relieve dry mouth with simple habits. First of all you have to have an irreproachable oral hygiene by brushing your teeth after each meal. It is necessary to hydrate well regularly during the day by drinking water and avoiding certain elements like alcohol, too salty foods or coffee. Do not hesitate to consume soup or drink herbal teas. Smoking is strongly discouraged to prevent dry mouth.

If you notice that dry mouth is persistent, do not hesitate to consult your dentist or a doctor.

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