Discover if you are too acidic and learn how to balance your pH

Lately many people talk about their acidic levels, measuring their pH and consuming alkalizing foods. Even though this seems as a new fashion, the science of pH balancing actually has long tradition and, different from certain other trendy theories, this theory has certainly passed the test of time.

What is PH?


Spoken in the terminology of chemical understanding, pH is a capacity of hydrogen ion (H+) concentration in a solution. Solutions that have low hydrogen concentrations have high pH quantities, while solutions that have high hydrogen concentrations have low pH quantities. Like you possibly keep in mind from school, the pH scale runs from 1 to 14, with 7 describing the pH level of pure water – neutral. Over 7 is alkaline, under 7 is acidic.

In best situation, your body is supposed to have a pH level between 7.0 and 7.4, so considerably alkaline. This refers to the pH level of the body’s major fluids like: blood, lymph and cerebrospinal fluid. The pH of the digestive system on the other hand, is rather less standardized: the mouth, pharynx and esophagus are all to some extent acidic with a pH of 6.8; the pH of the healthy stomach is 1.3 – very acidic; the pH of the small intestine is similar to that of healthy bodily fluids; and in the colon it varies among 5.5 and 7.

Why is pH level important?

Back in 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in physiology and actually he was the first person that described the connection between the acidic surroundings and cancer cell development. Now we recognize that an acidic body is more vulnerable to various conditions, like arthritis, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases.

Furthermore, in case that your pH is imbalanced, digestive problems are able to appear and your body could not digest the benefits coming from food, which could make you feel tired all the time. Blood pressure, levels of insulin and cholesterol, including body weight and the function of the immune system, are all inclined by variations in pH levels.

Like each one-point reduction on the pH scale signifies 10 times bigger acidity, going from pH 7 to 5 makes your internal organs 100 times more acidic! This is a negative sign in case you have an intention to have a long and healthy life. The end result is that you would like to maintain your body’s pH as near as workable to what nature meant it to be. Additionally, in case that you aim to heal a disease, you may need to begin by looking at the pH of your body. What time people decide to do that, the majority detects that they’re very acidic.

What is the reason of pH Imbalances?

The major causes of over-acidity are unsuitable nutrition (fast food, consuming too much sugars, animal products and processed foods), anxiety and daily life pickings, like sedentary way of life. Amusingly but too much exercising, in particular too much cardio workout is able to be in charge for a fall in your pH levels too, as it leads to stress.

At the start, the body attempts to pay off and bring the pH back to its finest levels. For instance, minerals like potassium, sodium, magnesium and calcium are in use from our central organs and bones to neutralize the acid but this could not continue forever, and in time the acidic surroundings begins to be a magnet for all kinds of deseases.

Warning symptoms of Your Body being too Acidic

As said by wikipedia, signs and symptoms seen in acidosis incorporate:
– Headaches
– Confusion
– Feeling tired
– Tremors
– Sleepiness
– Flapping tremor
– Dysfunction of the cerebrum of the brain which might move forward to coma in case there is no intervention.

How to check your PH Level
It could be an excellent initiative to check your pH and discover where you stand. You could perform this in your home and everything you need is litmus paper, which could be obtained at a pharmacy or a health food store, and a little discipline.

You have to dip the litmus paper in your first morning urine. Save a sample of your urine in a clean container and determine the pH level. Otherwise, you could utilize saliva, one hour sooner than a meal or 2 hours after a meal. Take care you have a clean sample, so prior to spitting on the litmus paper, gather saliva in your mouth and swallow it.

You could find it helpful keeping a diary for a period of time; therefore you could relate the values and get an average value. The pH of your saliva is supposed to be between 7 and 7.4 during day. The pH of morning urine is to some extent more acidic and varies between 6 and 6.5. In case you are additionally measuring the evening urine, the value is supposed to be between 6.5 and 7.

Tips for Alkalizing your Body
There are techniques used for alkalizing your body that are simpler and center on food and life modifications, while others would ask for a support from an expert and supervision, like the use of alkaline minerals. Cesium chloride, germanium, rubidium and other alkalizing minerals could be utilized to alkalize the body.

Above all cesium chloride and sodium bicarbonate therapies have received much attention and have been described to bring in beneficial outcomes, the latter being to some extent easier to use.

To alkalize your body you could utilize my DIY 2-ingredient health “shots”.
The Cancer Alternative Foundation, a foundation with an assignment of exploring and confirming different options for curing cancer, has recognized that alkalizing treatment is one of the most effective alternative methods for curing cancer, yet in the later stages of the disease. I’ve previously brought it up in my post about this strong mix of baking soda and lemon.

When it comes to a diet that will aid transform your body to alkaline, it’s suggested to accept a vegetarian, or even better a vegan diet (meat and dairy products show a very acidic effect on the body’s pH levels) and to get rid of refined sugars, alcohol and caffeine from your diet.

Fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are an ideal option because of their alkalizing ability. The natural pH level of the food does not automatically point to the result it will have on the body. For instance, lemons and limes are recognized to have an alkaline effect on the body, in spite of their primary (citric) acidity, so squeeze some lemon in your water and consume it before a meal.

Spirulina – Algae that could be taken in powder form or in tablets, is other well known dietary supplement that additionally aids you alkalize your body. Certain advice may perhaps be necessary to determine which food and food combinations are best for you.
And certainly, don’t fail to remember to consider your stress levels. Good sleep, exercising and frequent relaxation is able to do miracles for the body and mind.

Happy alkalizing!


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