Organic or artificial rice? These tricks will help you determine it!

China is the biggest producer of rice in the world with 200 tons produced annually. The Korean Times report reveals that Chinese rice is extremely dangerous and it contains plastic!

Furthermore, the report suggests that the Chinese producers sell artificial rice which is made of plastic and potato starch. They stem these ingredients and add rice aroma at the end of the process. These findings have launched lots of investigations which found that consuming one cup of Chinese rice equals the amount of little plastic bag being consumed. There are many ways of how to determine whether the rice is natural or artificial. Here are some simple tips for you:

Mortar and pestle test
When you crush few grains of rice they should turn fine white powder. This will prove to you that it is organic. But in case there are yellow stains, you should know it contains plastic

Fire test
You should light up couple of rice kernels and observe. If the rice kernels burn then you would it is artificial rice, in case it doesn’t, it would mean it is organic

Water test
Pour few grains of rice in a cup of water and observe. If the rice sinks to the bottom of the cup, you should know it is organic.

Mold test
You should cook rice in water and afterwards place it in a sealed container. Leave it for two days on sunny spot. After two days when you open the container the rice should be moldy if it is organic. If the rice is artificial it will remain intact.

We truly hope these methods will help you determine whether the rice you buy is organic or artificial.


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