Use the tennis ball to relieve pain in your back, neck or knee in a matter of seconds

If for some reason you feel constant stiffness in your knees right after having a long run, or in your hands you should know that these symptoms are called Myofascial pain. “Myofascial pain syndrome typically occurs after a muscle has been contracted repetitively, which puts pressure on sensitive points”.

Tennis ball

Using tennis ball will allow you to stretch your muscles due to the rubbery elasticity. This is the main reason why it is great for pain relief. The rest of the article will discuss some of the muscular trigger points in our body which can be stimulated by the use of tennis ball in order to relieve the pain.

If you spend lots of hours in the office your neck will be strained and the suboccipital and erector muscles will tighten up. This exercise will help you stretch these muscles out and relieve the pain. You should exercise this before you go to bed.
Lie down on the floor with your face up, and place two tennis balls under the base of the skull. Move your head up and down and allowing the balls to move back at your neck. Do this exercise for one minute, and then change the direction from side to side.

Uncomfortable shoulders
Doing this exercise you will manage to stretch out the rotator cuff muscles. This group of muscles is important for stabilizing your shoulders. If you regularly lift heavy objects or you do physical activity you will manage to relieve the tenderness in your shoulders. Here is what you need to do:

Use one tennis ball and place it behind the shoulder blade while you are lying on the floor with the face up. You should experiment with different movements which suits you in order to relieve the tenderness.

Tight Chest
If you use the phone a lot or you simply sit for hours it can lead to feeling of compressed chest. This pain is extremely uncomfortable and you might feel problems with breathing as well as the nervous system. These exercises will help you decompress your chest:

You will need to place a tennis ball under your clavicle against a door or wall corner. You should breathe deeply for one minute and apply pressure on the ball. Next you will need to move side to side and up and down, while you allow the ball to move across your chest. Also you may try with moving your arm and neck in order to stretch the muscles on your chest and neck.

Problems with the back
If you are having sore back as a result of sitting down or your position of sleep you should again use tennis ball in order to relieve the tension. Here are some simple steps that you should follow:

Use two balls and place them between your ribs and tailbone. Move your pelvis side to side and allow the balls to move over to your lower back. Do slow movements in areas where you feel the pain and do not apply too much pressure in the area of the spine. Exercise these movements for at least 5 minutes and remember to breathe deeply.

Pain in the hands
If you feel tension in the flexor muscles of your fingers as a result of constant writing you should do these activities in order to relieve the pain:
Use one tennis ball and place your hand over it (on a table), also use the other hand on top of the other in order to apply more pressure. You should press the ball for at least one minute and try to use as much pressure as you can. Afterwards you should move the ball vertically and horizontally in order to stretch out in all directions. Do this exercise for at least three minutes and repeat the same with your other hand.

Bad posture
Almost everyone has this problem and this is due to the reason we don’t pay too much attention on the way we sit, stand or sleep. In fact, this can cause serious problems for our spine and muscles, as well as it can cause pain. Here is what to do in order to relieve it:

You should be lying down on the floor with your face up. Place two tennis balls on both sides of your upper back and place your hands behind the head. Lift your head up as you are doing sit ups. You can also try to bring the chin as closest as you can towards the chest, and remember to take deep breaths when doing so. Also breathe deeply while you move the balls up your back for at least four minutes.

Cramped knees
Doing this exercise you will manage to stretch the internal joint capsule of the knee. Using tennis ball will create traction between your thigh, kneecap and lower leg bones.

Here is what to do:
Use a firm chair and sit on it. Place the ball behind your knee while it is bent. You should contract your muscles against the ball for at least ten time, and then relax your muscles. Repeat this exercise for both of your knees.

Sore feet and plantar fasciitis
This kind of pain is most probably the most common. It appears as a result of standing for hours or simply wearing unsupportive shoes. Plantar fasciitis can be very painful and usually it affects the upper back. Using tennis ball will help you stretch your feet and relieve pain. Here is what to do:

Try to stand on the tennis ball with your heel. Next you need to move the ball along the feet and repeat this for at least one minute.
At the end, we will conclude that using the tennis ball is extremely effective and efficient way to relief muscles. Also using the ball you can relieve pain and it won’t cost you lots of money. Enjoy!


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