More and more people in the world are struggling from migraines without knowing what exactly it causes.
Migraine happens suddenly and it causes extreme headaches that are very painful.

Sometimes, in some cases it can causes blurry spots in your sight and it all happen suddenly. Others get sudden headaches and prevents you from any activity for the rest of the day.

In other cases it causes light sensitivity, nausea or vomiting.
If you are having one of these symptoms of hard and painful headaches you can do one thing to prevent it.
There are many studies that suggest how to get rid of these migraines and be healthy.

Migraines are cause as a result of a sudden blood flow to the brain or serotonin level change in the brain. The findings have showed that a deficiency in folic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin B6 and vitamin D are the main causes of frequent migraines.

If your diet does not include these vitamins it means you are increasing the chances of getting migraine by 300%. Therefore it is recommended that you consume all vitamins needed in your diet in order to prevent migraines.

This is are the type of food that causes migraines:
Avocados, soy sauce, wine, anchovies, raisins, bananas, red plums, cheese, sardines, caffeine, raspberry, citrus fruit, processed meats, chocolate, herring, figs, peanuts, lentils, peas.

If you are not getting enough sleep you might also trigger migraine. Other triggers are skipping meals, sudden change in blood pressure, flashing lights, perfumes, paint or chemicals.
In case you are getting migraines very often, you should keep notes of what you do and what you eat each day. This way you will find out easily what causes your potential trigger of migraines and that way you will prevent it in future.


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