How to Grow Unlimited Amounts of Blueberries THE RIGHT WAY in Your Backyard

It is known that fruits which are darker are much better for your health. For instance, such fruit is a blueberry which is extremely full of antioxidants and it can be consumed raw. Also you can use it to make your best smoothie and fresh juice.

Here are the main health benefits this fruit offers:

1. Reduces cholesterol levels
2. Improves the brain function and memory
3. Contains high amount of nutrients (mainly vitamin C, vitamin K), and low calories
4. Reduces blood pressure and prevents cardiovascular diseases
5. Contains high amount of antioxidants that are great for preventing aging, damaging DNA and cancer

What is great about this fruits is the fact that you can grow it at your home. Here are some tips on how to do so:

First you will need to make sure that you find the best place which has plenty of sunlight. You will need high quality soil in order to have the best results. Sunlight is important for the photosynthesis which will help the plant to grow, whereas the soil will help the process as well.

Having large garden with bedding is great because this way the water will travel through the soil and will keep the fruit moisturized. In case you live in an apartment you should purchase patio container in order to grow the fruit with success.

You will need enough space because blueberry grows up to 6 feet in their roots. If you decide to grow more bushes you will need to place them in distance between 2.5-3 feet distance from each other.

The process of planting should be done in fall or spring. You will need to put them into soil and pat the top layer of soil and make sure it is completely covered. Also make sure that the soil is well drained. In order to have the best results you will need to use soil with 5.0 pH value.

Mulching should be done with sawdust or pine bark, but also you can use acid trip or grass clipping. You will need to apply 2-4 wreaths in order to make sure that it stays moisture and also to prevent growth of weeds. You will need to repeat this process at least once per year.

Once the bush is ready you will need to prune regularly in order to make sure that the plant grows healthy, especially those brunches that are strongest. This way you will allow the fruit to grow and avoid over-fruiting, and get fruits that are large in size. Remove all dead brunches by using scissors. When you need to do pruning you have to make sure that you get rid of the low growth at the very bottom, but also cut off the short discolored branches.

You will need also to fertilize the soil with organic fertilizers in order to prevent any damage to the bush. These organic fertilizers are not harmful at all and you can use them over the entire year. The best time for starting to fertilize the fruit is at early spring because this period of time the leaves begin to grow. If you grow your blueberries this way you can ensure that it will live for 4-5 decades.

We truly hope that these tips will help you grow the best blueberries at your home and you will be able to reap the best fruits.


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