Start eating more iron right away if you experience any of these 10 signs of anemia

One of the most common diseases in the 21st century is iron deficiency anemia. This disease is actually caused by deficiency of red blood cells in the body. The importance of being able to recognize the 10 most common signs and symptoms of anemia can actually help you treat it on time.

Anemia also causing deficiency of oxygen in the blood and it might lead to damage of the body tissues especially when iron is also missing. Such condition can cause many different side effects that you might not be able to recognize. Don’t worry about it because we are going to present them to you.

You should be aware that some people have genetically predisposition for development of this diseases. The group of people that is at highest risk is vegetarians and vegans. This is due to the avoidance of meat consumption which is the biggest iron source. Also blood donors are likely to develop this disease unless they increase the iron consumption after donating.

Women are at greater risk due to the pregnancy factor and their regular menstrual cycle. In the US around 3% of men have iron deficiency anemia, whereas the numbers are greater when it comes to women. For instance 20% of women have this issue, as well as 50% of pregnant women.

Here are the 10 signs and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia:

1. Weakness and fatigue
If you notice that you are sleeping more than usual or you feel tired after sleeping, consider increasing the consumption of iron. Also other symptoms are low energy levels or weakness in your muscles for longer period of time.

2. Headaches and dizziness
Head rushes usually appear when you stand up suddenly and it is caused by lack of oxygen in the brain. Such occurrence can lead to serious headaches and dizziness, but also it might lead to fainting.

3. Shortness of breath
Iron deficiency can lead to shortness of breath even when you climb few stairs. It is best to try and to some cardio and consume iron supplements.

4. Frequent infections
Having frequent infections might be a result of low hemoglobin in your body. Also if you cut yourself by mistake and it takes longer tie than usual, you should know it is a sign of anemia. It is recommended to increase the level of iron intake.

5. Constant cold hands and feet
This is a sign of poor circulation and lack of iron in your body.

6. Weak nails
If you notice that your nails are weak and brittle, consider increasing the intake of iron. Also another sign of iron deficiency is loss of hair.

7. Increased heart beat
Lacking oxygen in the blood can lead to increased heartbeat. Consider consuming more iron.

8. Cravings
Once your body lacks nutrients it might result with sudden cravings. Such cravings are appearing in form of sudden sugar needs. This is a sign of iron deficiency.

9. Restless leg
This is another sign of anemia and you should consider it as serious condition. This is clear sign that you are lacking iron in your body.

10. Chest pain
Suffering from chest pain should not be ignored because either it means you are lacking iron or you might have heart attack.

Here is what you should do in order to improve the iron deficiency:

– Try to consume healthy diet
– Often consume meat, fish, leafy vegetables, cereals, milk and eggs. This way you will manage to increase the level of iron in your body.
– Consider taking iron supplements, but make sure that you first consult with your doctor.

We truly hope that now you will be able to recognize the 10 most common signs of anemia.
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