This Homemade Remedy Will Help You Get Rid Of Cockroaches Forever

Cockroaches are problem that it is hard to deal with in order to get rid of them.

We are sure that whoever has cockroaches at home is willing to get rid of them as soon as possible. There are lots of products on the market that can fight this menace, but also most of these products are causing drawbacks such as return of cockroaches after some time. On the other hand the chemicals it contains are extremely dangerous for humans and animals.

This mixture that we are going to propose will help you get rid of cockroaches forever.

Here is the recipe:
You will need one raw egg yolk (boiled), and 1.7oz boric acid powder. Mix both ingredients and stir until you get one fine thick mixture. Use this mixture to make small balls and leave them aside to dry out (approximately one hours). Afterwards place these balls around the house on every visible and reachable place on ground. You should focus more in your kitchen and bathroom. Also do not forget to put these balls on your shelves, closet, kitchen cabinets etc.

The trick is that cockroaches will approach these balls without being able to notice the boric acid in it. This curiosity will doom them once they touch it. This way they will not be able to warn the others. This way all cockroaches will manage to approach the balls out of curiosity. Also those who will touch the boric acid balls when in contact with other healthy cockroaches they will manage to contaminate them as well.

You might think that at fist this recipe will not work, but please be patient and give it at least four weeks in order this method to work out. You will need at least 3-4 weeks in order to clean the entire cockroach intruders in your house. After this period of time you will see all cockroaches dead all around the house.

In case any female cockroach has managed to lay eggs around the house, you should repeat the method. Do not worry about using these balls because they are not harmful to humans and animals. So you should feel free to use this recipe every time you encounter problems with cockroaches.

Also you should know that boric acid is not toxic at all and its main use is for disinfection reasons. In case you can’t find boric acid powder, you should use boric acid solution 3%. You will get the same effect as the powder and will manage to get rid of cockroaches forever.


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