Make You Own Toothpaste at Home and Heal Cavities, Gum Disease and Whiten Your Teeth

Today people are not paying too much attention to their dental health. Most of these people are always in rush and even in the morning they do not pay too much attention to their brushing teeth habits. Also they consume foods and beverages that have negative impacts on their teeth leaving stains and damage. One of the worst enemies of your teeth is the coffee.

Dental pharmaceutical companies have been advertising tooth paste that lightens your teeth, but what they forget to mention is the damage it causes to your tooth enamel. Also it increases the level of tooth sensitivity, damages your gum and irritates the soft tissues in the mouth. There are lots of cases where the damage done by these whitening products end up being permanent.

Knowing these facts we believe you have enough reasons to use natural ingredients that will help you whiten your teeth. Also another reason why to avoid using products for teeth whitening sold in markets is because of the chemicals it contains; so rather we recommend use natural remedies that will not cause any harm for your teeth and still give you the same results (or even better). The main ingredient of this remedy is turmeric which is known for its numerous health benefits aside from the health of your teeth.

Turmeric is known for its great micro bacterial attributes which are great for your teeth. It helps overcome gum irritation, redness and even infections. Also it has anti-inflammation properties that are going to help remove it from your teeth.

Most of the toothpastes contain fluoride which calcify your pineal gland, whereas turmeric decalcify the pineal gland.

This is how to prepare this natural tooth paste:
1. 1 tablespoon coconut oil
2. 1 tablespoon of turmeric powder
3. Peppermint oil

Mix the coconut oil with turmeric. Add the peppermint oil and blend all ingredients. After it is done, use it as your regular toothpaste. Use this magical paste at least once per day in order to have good results.

Enjoy this natural remedy and have a white smile without needing to put chemicals in your mouth again.


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