How to Pick the Perfect Watermelon: 5 Key Tips from an Experienced Farmer

Watermelon is great for this time of the year because it is extremely refreshing and delicious, but also it provides great health benefits. This article will teach you how to choose the best and most tasty watermelon.

Most probably you have bought watermelons that are not delicious as you wanted. This is most probably because you didn’t know how to choose the most delicious one.

We are going to present to you the best 5 advices provided by experienced farmer on how to choose watermelon.

1. Size
In fact, size of the watermelon matters, but this doesn’t mean that bigger means better. Rather, medium sized watermelons are the one that are best in taste and nutrients.

2. Watermelon gender
The sweeter watermelons are considered to be the ‘girl’, whereas the ones with more water are considered to be the ‘boy’. ‘Boy’ watermelons usually are elongated and taller, and the ‘girl’ watermelons are more round and stout.

3. Webbing
Webbing of the watermelons determines the bees’ touches of the flower. This means that the more touches of bees lead to more pollination which makes the watermelon sweeter.

4. Field Spot
You can find field spots on all watermelons, but those with gold colored spots are the sweeter. The average in taste watermelons has creamy-yellow color.

5. Tail
When you buy watermelon you need to look for the one with dried tail. The tail actually determines the ripeness of the watermelon, so the one best in taste have dry tail. If the tail is green you should know that it is picked up sooner than it supposed to be.


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