Red Wine Can Help You Lose Weight

As said by many new studies red wine is the greatest way to decrease you weight. This incredible drink has a long and rich history of use as it was utilized in the medicine starting from the time of Hippocrates, information that proves the beneficial effect of the wine. A scientific study provided in 1993 demonstrated that wine is consisted of polyphenols ( resveratrol and procianidi) which are antioxidants and stop the oxidation of the “bad” cholesterol.

On the other hand these studies show the positive effects, but at the same time reveal the negative effects as well.


1. Wine aids to combust calories
A newer study provided at the Washington State University demonstrates that the components of the red wine have the capability of combusting calories. It has been demonstrated that in case that you drink one glass of red wine, your body will combust calories for 90 minutes.

2. Wine prevents cancer
Another proven theory is that red wine could additionally aid cancer prevention owning to the antioxidants or phytoestogens that show powerful anti- cancer properties. Resveratrol have the promising role in cancer prevention.

3. Wine keeps bed bugs away
It has been proven that bugs are able to survive on human blood and as said by a new study, bed bugs need blood meal to develop. In case that the concentration of alcohol in your blood is high, then the bugs eat a smaller amount.

4. Wine improves memory
Experts give details that one glass of red wine could prevent blood clots and decreases the inflammation of blood vessels. It has been shown that in case that older people consume a glass of red every day, they will memorize more than others.

5. Wine makes the bones stronger
There is a belief that persons who consume red wine regularly have better bone mass than those who do not drink at all. Having a glass of red wine boosts the level of estrogen which is a hormone that decreases the process of damaging of the bones.

6. Wine is helpful for anemia
Anemia could be prevented by drinking red wine, in limited amounts. When compared to the white wine, the red one has a more powerful effect on decreasing the cholesterol and treating cardiovascular diseases.

However, consuming red wine could also trigger certain negative effect.

1. Muscle effects
In case that you have consumed bigger doses of alcohol, red wine could cause an opposite effect. Researchers clarify: “We analyzed if resveratrol was able to promote the repair of muscle and reduce oxidative stress where free radicals – destructive molecules – speed up the ageing process.”

2. Wine could be a reason for becoming an alcoholic
Uncontrolled consumption of alcohol has a bad effect on the organs and it could be a reason for high blood pressure, liver damage, brain damage and a lot of other serious outcomes. This unlimited consumption of alcohol could be a reason for alcoholism.


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