This remedy for treating high blood pressure really works!

Here is one simple but effective home remedy for treating high blood pressure – just put your feet in warm water for 5 to 10 minutes which will calm down your entire body and prepare you for the next step.

To decrease you blood pressure right away, you necessitate only lemon and mineral water.


1. Cut the lemon;
2. Pour the mineral water in a glass;
3. Squeeze the lemon ( utilize just 1 lemon for 1 glass of water );
4. Mix the both ingredients.

Lemon and mineral water together with warm foot bath will significantly decrease your blood pressure and they will do it really fast, in few of minutes.

On the other hand, in case you often face high blood pressure avoid the following things:
– Salt
– Sweet jams and jellies
– Can food
– Tomato paste and ketchup
– Sweet cookies
– Any kind of alcohol

Sugar and salt lift up high blood pressure – do not use them or use them in very small amount.

Relax more – in case you become nervous, your blood pressure will elevate. We are all aware that we have numerous problems and responsibilities in life, but try to calm down. Yoga might additionally help you with high blood pressure.


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