Turmeric Golden Honey – The Strongest Natural Antibiotic

Many people have been sing turmeric as a spice, others might use it for preparation of Golden Milk or simply they might recognize it as yellow powder which is usually available in stores for healthy food.

In fact, among the many different uses of turmeric, the best and invaluable remedy that involves turmeric is called Golden Honey. This remedy is prepared with mixing the best two ingredients, honey and turmeric.

Curcumin is one of the best essential active properties which are found in turmeric. Due to this property turmeric has been used for more than 150 therapeutic activities. Also this remedy is considered as best anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cancer agent.

This is due to the strong properties of turmeric which tackles bacteria and diseases, as well as providing great natural defense of your body.

On the other hand turmeric is completely natural, whereas synthetic antibiotics produced by the pharmaceutical companies contain chemicals that might destroy the micro flora of the intestines.

Regular consumption of Golden Honey can help you improve digestion and recover the flora activity in the gut. The remedy that we are going to present to you is certified by Ayurveda as one of the best and strongest natural antibiotic.

Here is the recipe for this magical remedy:

Once you notice the first symptoms of cold, flu or other disease immediately prepare Golden Honey mixture.

1. Turmeric powder – 1 tablespoon
2. Organic honey – 100 grams

Mix both ingredients well and place it in glass container or jar. Once you feel the first symptoms follow this method of use:

1st Day – consume ½ teaspoon of this remedy every hour
2nd Day – consume ½ teaspoon of this remedy every two hours
3rd Day – consume ½ teaspoon of this remedy three times a day

When you consume this mixture make sure that you dissolve it in your mouth. You will feel the first results after consuming it for one day, but do not stop consuming if you want to completely get rid of the cold or flu. Feel free to add coconut milk or tea in this mixture.

This remedy can be also used by people that have problems with hemophilia and hypertension. Due to the turmeric properties, people can use this remedy for reduction of their blood sugar levels. If you decide to use it for the purpose of reducing blood sugar level make sure that you consult with your doctor beforehand.

Consuming turmeric in accordance to the Info-Tibetan medicine you should follow these methods of consumption.

1. If you have problems with your throat and lungs consume turmeric before you eat
2. If you have problems with your digestive system you should consume it with your meal
3. If you have problems with your colon and kidney you should consume it after your meal

People that undergo treatments with medications should consider consulting their doctor first before they consume this remedy. Also people that have problems with their gallbladder should avoid consuming it because it might contract it.

source http://www.bestherbalhealth.com

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