The Secret To Relieving Back Pain Is In Your Feet! Do These 5 Exercises for Just 15 Minutes

People tend to ignore the importance of their feet and often forget it. They are extremely important for every physical activity we are doing, including exercising and movements. You should take proper care of your feet in order to prevent pain in your back, hip and knees.

Chinese people have been using acupressure for more than 5000 years. This ancient Chinese medicine works through applying pressure on certain points on the body. Practicing this method can help you relieve stress and improve the function of your organs. Also it is widely used for treatment of different health conditions. Acupressure is actually similar to acupuncture, but in fact you use your fingers instead of needles.

Here are the main 5 exercises which can help you strengthen your feet, improve your balance, and reduce/prevent pain.

1. Presses of the toe

First you will need to warm up your muscles before you start applying acupressure. The best way to do so is by doing toe presses. You will need to stand with your knees slightly bend. Once you are in this position press with your toes on the ground. Hold it for at least 3 seconds. For best results you should repeat this three times a day, with 10 sets each time.

2. Walking on your toe

Maybe your first thought is that only ballerinas can do it, you are wrong. This exercise is great for your muscles and it helps you strengthen them. Also it helps you strengthen your ligaments and feet. The exercise is really simple. You will need to stand on your tiptoes and walk for 20 seconds. Afterwards, rest for 15 seconds and repeat this exercise 5 more times. It is best if you can do it twice per day in order to get the best results.

3. Circles with the ankles

It is really important to keep your ankles mobility and flexibility at high level. In order to do so you should lie on the back and try to fully extend one leg overhead. While you are in this position you should move your ankle in circles. After 10 seconds change your leg and repeat the exercise.

4. Resisted flexion

This exercise is for the small muscle on your foot which is responsible for your balance. With regular exercise of this muscle you will manage to prevent injuries to your feet. In order to do this exercise you should sit on the floor and put your feet in front of you. Next you should have exercise band wrapped around your bed post. Place the band on your feet top, but make sure the band is tightened. Now you need to bent your knee backwards and hold it for 5 seconds. Repeat this 10 times with each leg.

5. Picking up pencil with your toe

You will need to place a pencil on the floor and pick it up with your toe. Hold the pen for 10 seconds and release it. Repeat this exercise five times with both feet.


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